ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia

The Twenty-seventh Anniversary of EI performances at 224 Centre Street, the
Thirty-second Anniversary of the Founding of Experimental Intermedia, the
Thirty-second Anniversary of the 224 Centre Street loft, and, not least,

The Eleventh Annual Festival with no fancy name, Part One

224 Centre Street at Grand, Third Floor, N Y 10013
212.431.5127 | 431.6430
fax 212.431.4486

9pm (except as noted)   

Monday 11   Fast Forward and Michael Evans

GOBO: Scanning the decades from metal to media; a double barrelled bombastic barrage from the GOBO boys; theremin, steel pan, electronics, drums and fresh vegetables

Tuesday 12   Zeena Parkins and Janene Higgins

ARCH: the body & the urban landscape; a live music/live video duet; Parkins continues her sonic research on a customized high-octane harp while Higgins jacks into two video mixers as performance instruments (Supported in part by a grant from The Experimental Television Center)

Wednesday 13   Annie Gosfield

Fresh from the factory, compositions and improvisations that combine the crashes and bangs of heavy industry with the bleeps and blips of high-tech manufacturing, inspired by Gosfield's recent residency in the factories of Nuremberg, Germany; plus "Shoot the Player Piano", a video of an imaginary orchestra of aged mechanical instruments; sampling keyboards, plus guest musicians

Thursday 14   Harald Busch and Erhard Hirt

Video artist Harald Busch (Dortmund) and guitarist Erhard Hirt (Munster) have been working together on different projects and will present their new collaboration ROMBERG - a work in two parts for video projection and live music (supported by the Kulturburo Dortmund, Germany)

Friday 15   Andreas Weixler and Se-Lien Chuang

The Austrian/Taiwanese duo present their computer music and audio visual composition as the electronic part of the orchestra szene instrumental (With the support of the Austrian Cultural Institute, New York and AKM, Austro Mechana SKE, BKA.kunst, City of Graz, Styrian Government)

Sunday 17
(3 - 11pm)
  A special event: Jon Abbey and Michael Goodstein DJ

A listening experience comprised of carefully selected pieces from all corners of the globe, both current and historical, and programmed specifically to take full advantage of the superb EI audio system; at times, multiple selections will be playing simultaneously; curated by Jon Abbey of Erstwhile Records and Michael Goodstein of WFMU

Monday 18   Myriam Gourfink and Kasper Toeplitz

TOO GENERATE : we made choreography and music at the same time, considering the body as an abstract volume, and sound as motion, or stillness - they are equal and bring a new approach to the usual process of such a project: the music is neither a support nor an accompaniment to the movement, the dance is not "on" the music; the technical apparatus - sound system, computer and musician - stands front stage, blocking the audience's view; Gourfink,dance and Toeplitz, music/computer

Thursday 21
(6pm - midnight)
  Phill Niblock

Six hours of music and film/video, for his 67th winter solstice, with some guest performers; the days will get longer from now on, or at least until June 21

    Our programs are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts, and the Phaedrus Foundation

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