MARCH 2021 PERFORMANCE SERIES The Forty-Eighth Anniversary of EI performances at 224 Centre Street, The Fifty-Third Anniversary of the Founding of Experimental Intermedia, the Fifty-Third Anniversary of the 224 Centre Street loft, and, not least, The (Virtual) Thirty-First Annual Festival with no fancy name, Part One (or A) Phill Niblock, curator March 2021 This edition of our concert series is entirely virtual. Concerts will be streamed live from our website at 9pm sharp NYC time on the dates listed: www.experimentalintermedia.org Right after each concert we invite performers and audience to join "The EI Virtual Kitchen Hang", our Zoom meeting room, to interact between each other and with us. The EI Virtual Kitchen Hang Zoom link: zoom.us/j/2120765064?pwd=KzhqdkJmcUkrMGdTZGw0WnV0REZWQT09 Meeting ID: 212 076 5064 Passcode: 869302 |
Samara Lubelski
(NYC, sometimes Degenfeld, Germany) |
Monday 15
of the on the spot/improvised solo violin’s uptight zipping about
with the flurry fingers and the zig zag chase; out for the tension -
the soft touch’s lament - bird song buzzing, amplified hums hurling
about - caught in the hustle, and taking care of business;
implemented with phaser and delays, etc... Wandering into the
wavelengths of heady frenzy, ensconced in the sliding of the touch
’n go - to and fro, Light into dark - dark into light, with
Barry Weisblat on visual projections samaralubelski.com |
Andrea Pensado (Salem MA, from Argentina, studied Poland) |
Tuesday 16 |
Conditions" - macrotonal music from a cluttered landscape,
improvised resonance and
andreapensado.com Bandcamp Soundcloud |
Catherine Lamb and Bryan Eubanks (Berlin) |
Wednesday 17 |
Rebecca Lane plays
quarter tone bass flute; Cat plays viola and voice; Bryan plays
synth and voice; the piece is Prisma Interius IV by Catherine Lamb sacredrealism.org/artists.html sacredrealism.org/catlamb/works/2017/prisma_4.html |
Richard Garet (New York) |
Friday 19 |
and Observations on Different Types of Reflection"; A solo
performance of violin, light projector, mirror, perspective,
gesture, room richardgaret.com Bandcamp |
SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 17 curated by Katherine
Liberovskaya |
Monday 22 |
Once again
it's time for Screen Compositions, this year the 17th edition (2nd
virtual), bringing you as ever a collection of always captivating
intersections of moving image with sonic art; a program
of screen works representing dynamic two-way
collaborations between video/film artists and sound/music
artists specifically intended for single-channel projection with no
live or performance component; featuring collaborations by: Peer
Bode / Carrier Band (Andrew Deutsch, Rebekkah Palov, Don Metz, Ed
Hallborg); Christian Calon / Chantal Dumas / Mario Gauthier; Lieve
D'hondt / Esther Venrooy; Tina Frank / Mari Bastashevski / Jen
Morris; Pepe Gimeno / Carlos Cueto / Sonia Megias; Katherine
Liberovskaya / Phill Niblock; Marie Losier / Dorit Chrysler;
185668232 / Joseph Sledgianowski; Peter Shapiro / Snake Union
(Chuck Bettis & David Grant) + Hisham Bharoocha; Heimo Wallner /
Maja Osojnik; Milana Zaric / Richard Barrett |
Kjell Bjorgeengen (Oslo Norway) |
Wednesday 24th |
He works mainly with live
video performances and video installations and has had a long
association with The Experimental Televison Center, Owego NY and has
worked closely with David Jones to develop his own unique studio and
video synthesizer; he looks upon his art as an investigation of a
reality which needs to be worked upon and changed in both artistic
and political ways Google him . . . |
Tony Martin (New York) |
25 |
film and video work of Tony Martin - Throughout the 1960's the
artist created pure light and combined image projection, and
recording technique; these pioneering intermedia compositions were
first seen at the San Francisco Tape Music Center and then
internationally; the Howard Wise Gallery in NYC exhibited
viewer-activated light sculptures and installations; these used
custom mirrors, and various sensors built into the pieces; during
subsequent decades these personal systems are fed into film and
video pieces, along with electronic and stylus/pad
manipulations tonymartinartist.net |
26 |
1971, she has completed hundreds of video portraits for
installation; her works have been seen in the US and abroad in
installations that she terms ‘video portrait galleries,’ including
portraits of Richard Diebenkorn, John Baldessari, Jasper Johns,
Willem DeKooning, Robert Rauschenberg, John Cage, Joan Mitchell,
Vija Celmins, Judy Chicago, Jacques Derrida, Rosa Parks, Cesar
Chavez and Noam Chomsky among many others; since 1979, she created
another form of portraiture, '30 Second Portraits (Spots)’; some of
the portraits that will be screened here are of composers (such as
John Cage, Pierre Boulez, Alvin Curran, Michael Nyman, Carles
Santos, Liz Phillips, and Meredith Monk), other portraits shown are
on dancers (contemporary and traditional) painters, poets,
performance artists, writers, philosophers, New England Fishermen,
2011 Occupiers and a few from the series Before the Ghetto videoportrait.net |
Our programs are supported by
the Aaron Copland Fund for Music, the Phaedrus
Foundation, Fridman Gallery, and the New York State Council
on the Arts with the support of Governor Andrew Cuomo
and the New York State Legislature; this project is also
made possible with funds from the NYSCA Electronic
Media/Film in Partnership with Wave Farm: Media Arts
Assistance Fund, with the support of Governor Andrew
Cuomo and the New York State Legislature![]() |
The video-audio recordings of
the concerts will be posted on our website the morning after
each concert and will remain there until our next series in
December 2021. |
Street at Grand, Third Floor, N Y 10013 |