ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia
March 2023 Virtual Concert Series

Jeanne Liotta (New York) A Video Event At EHF, 7pm
Thursday, March 16

"The artist has chosen not to have her screening video-live-streamed or recorded but instead to provide some links to her work (see below). The audio, however, will still be streamed on Wave Farm's Web Radio".

Will bring some rarely seen media transmissions of energetic and material subjects to the screen: such as outer space, bees, natural philosophy, spirals, ice and noise; starting with an early Media mystic shadowplay in video made in collaboration with Bradley Eros and ending with a recent live cosmic projection work, Path of Totality    jeanneliotta.netandliottagallery.blogspot.com

Please help us keep the virtual series going with a donation of any amount.  Suggested donation of at least $4.99.
Land of Enchantment -super 8 camera roll (1994) 3 min.

-Observando El Cielo (excerpt) 16mm (2007)

-Sutro, DV, (2009)

-Climate Fictions, HD, (2017)

-Path of Totality, live projection work (excerpt)

The Filmed History of the Sun  from Birth to Death on Loop (installation #44 for Julie Carr) animated gif, 2018,  Jeanne Liotta