ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia
March 2023 Virtual Concert Series

Luca Forcucci  (Berlin) at Shift 8PM
Tuesday, March 14

The Room Above was recorded in the church of the Helvetic Circle in Genoa; I played the church's organ in the present moment, with no score, over four consecutive days, possibly inspired by long sonic walks in the surrounding mountains and along the Ligurian coast; the intrinsic architectural sonic spatial identity of the building entered the recordings; the cumulation of sonic spaces - those initially present, those of field recordings, those of future concert venues, and those imagined by the listener - lead to a sonic moiré, a polyphony of spaces; such a sonic moiré is the perception of several strata of spaces, as is comparable to the perception emerging from Marcel Duchamp's roto reliefs between the work and the perceiver, in a cinematic experience for the mind linktr.ee/Lucaforcucci   Video: vimeo.com/659021910

Right after the live event we invite performers and audience to join "The EI Virtual Kitchen Hang", our Zoom meeting room, to interact between each other and with us. The EI Virtual Kitchen Hang Zoom link:

Please help us keep the virtual series going with a donation of any amount.  Suggested donation of at least $4.99.