ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia

1998 / 99
David First, Robert Poss, Paul DeMarinis, Dean Roberts, hans w koch + Andreas Wagner, Adsriana Sa, Ron Kuivala, Lois V Vierk, Zbigniew Karkowski, Atau Tanaka, Edwin van der Heide Phill Niblock
1997 / 98
David Gibson, Ken Montgomery with Andrea Beeman, David Maranha, David Means, Pauline Oliveros, Jaroslav Koran and Michael Delia, Nina Goede, Tom Johnson, Victoria Jordanova, Tim Brady, Richard Povall, Phill Niblock
1996 / 97
Shelley Hirsch and Richard Teitelbaum, Tom Hamilton, Roger Kleier, Morgan O'Hara, Volker Staub, Manuel Mota, Kaffe Matthews, Jim O'Rourke and Tony Conrad, Pierre Bastien and Karel Doing, Harald Busch, Matt Rogalsky, Werner Schurmans and Stefaan Smagghe, Paulo Raposo, Peter Wiessenthaner, Pierre Marietan, Phill Niblock
1995 / 96
Ernstalbrecht Stiebler, Ron Kuivila, Elise Kermani, Michael Vorfeld, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Julian Knowles, Manuel Mota, Kyle Gann, Wade Matthews, Michael Schumacher, Phill Niblock
1994 / 95
Kenneth Gaburo and Herbert Bruen, Ken Butler, Elodie Lauten, Fast Forward, Andrew Neumann, Nicolas Collins, Jens Brand and Waldo Riedl, David First, Maria Blondeel, Jaap Blonk, Christoph Bangert, Dan Evans Farkas, Arne Deforce, Hans Peter Kuhn, Phill Niblock, Mario van Horrik
1993 / 94
Jin Hi Kim, Hans Peter Kuhn, Madelon Hooykaas and Elsa Stansfield, J. D. Parran and Carmen Kolodzey, Eliane Radigue, Rafael Toral, Jane Henry, Jerry Hunt Memorial, Richard Povall, Luc Houtkamp, John Driscoll, Fung Mei-wah, David T. Dienes, Machine for Making Sense, John Bischoff, Ed Osborn, Peter Van Riper, Neil B. Rolnick, Neil Leonard and Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons, Phill Niblock
1992 / 93
Johannes Fritsch, Werner Durand and Erik Balke and Silvia Ocougne, Ernstalbrecht Stiebler, Bonnie Barnett, James Fulkerson, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Elaine Summers, Davidson Gigliotti, Malcolm Goldstein, Phill Niblock, Ellen Band, Paulo Feliciano, Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, Daniel Goode, Morgan O'Hara, Ben Manley, Richard Lainhart, Tom Hamilton, Phill Niblock
1991 / 92
Alex Adriaansens and Joke Brouwers, Clarence Barlow, Wolfgang Becker-Carsten, Jens Brand and Andreas Sippel, Joseph Celli, Abigail Child and Ikue Mori with 77 HZ, Philip Corner, Dan Farkas and Matthew Ostrowski, David First, Steven Hall and Johnny Fu, Haruo Higuma, Ulrich Krieger, Mary Jane Leach, Jackson Mac Low and Anne Tardos, Phill Niblock, Larry Polansky, PoMo CoMo, Dieter Schnebel, Dan Senn, David Soldier and Leslie Vosshall, Johan Vercruysse, Stephan Wunderlich, and Krzyztof Zarebski and John King
1990 / 91
Mary Ellen Childs, Nicolas Collins, Roberto Paci Dalo and Isabella Bordoni, Nick Didkovsky, Russell Frehling, James Fulkerson, Tom Hamilton, Sorrel Hays, Eleanor Hovda, Earl Howard, Brenda Hutchinson, Kumiko Kimoto and Yuval Gabay, Richard Lerman, Bea Licata, Gustavo Matamoros, Diana Meckley, Gen Ken Montgomery, Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, J D Parran, Douglas Quinn, Eliane Radigue, Neil Rolnick, Arthur Russell, Jeffrey Schanzer, Michael Schell, Yasunao Tone and Barbara Held, Livio Tragtenberg, David Watson
1989 / 90
David Behrman, Robert Black and Richard Zvonar, Andreas Bosshard and Christian Buess, Joseph Celli, Nicolas Collins and Peter Cusak, Andrew Culver, James Dashow, Laetitia De Compiegne Sonami and Paul DeMarinis, David First, David Gearey, Tom Hamilton, The Hub ( John Bischoff, Chris Brown, Scott Gresham-Lancaster, Tim Perkis, Phil Stone, Mark Trayle) Jin Hi Kim, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, Bun Ching Lam, Mary Jane Leach, Denman Maroney, Benoit Maubry, Dary John Mizelle, Charlie Morrow, David Myers, Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, Morgan O'Hara, Larry Polansky, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Don Ritter and George Lewis, Joel Ryan, Jeffrey Schanzer and Bernadette Speach, Stefano Scodannibio, David Shea, James Staley, Emile Tobenfeld, David Weinstein, Reynold Weidenaar
1988 / 89
David Behrman, Warren Burt, Joseph Celli, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, Phil Corner, John Driscoll, David Gibson, Jon Gibson, Malcolm Goldstein and Simone Forti, Daniel Goode, William Hellerman, Larry Johnson, Guy Klucevsek, Alison Knowles, Takehisa Kosugi, Petr Kotik, Mary Jane Leach, Garrett List, Annea Lockwood, Jackson MacLow and Anne Tardos, Linda Montano, Phill Niblock and Muna Tseng, Wil Offermans and Junko Ueda, Joseph Pinzarrone, Eliane Radigue, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Don Ritter and George Lewis, Ned Rothenberg, Arthur Russell, Tibor Szemszo and Peter Forgacs, Lois V Vierk, and Yoshi Wada
1987 / 88
K Atchley, David Behrman, Samm Bennett and Takashi Kazamaki, Marion Brandis, Joseph Celli and Jin Hi Kim, Rhys Chatham, Anthony Coleman, Gyula Csapo, Lesli Dalaba, Robert Dick and Steve Gorn, Mark Dresser, Phil Edelstein, David First, David Fulton, Barbara Golden, Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Tom Guralnick, Gerry Hemmingway, Ed Herrmann and Bob Beswick, Bill Horvitz, John Bischoff, Kumiko Kimoto, John King and Ed Hynes, Guy Klucevsek, Petr Kotik, Richard Lerman, Robert Mandel, Pierre Marietan, Don Metz and John Toth, Phill Niblock, Morgan O'Hara, Joseph Pinzarrone, Larry Polansky, Ronald Robboy, Herb Robertson, Ned Rothenberg, Norman Salant and Benjamin Bossi, Myrna Schloss, Armand Schwerner and Ellen Zweig, Elliot Sharp, Alan Sondheim, Susan Stenger, Yasunao Tone, Peter Zummo and Stephani Woodward
1986 / 87
Bonnie Barnett, David Behrman and Angela Greene, Gregg Bendian, Robert Black, David Borden, Warren Burt, Edmond Chibeau, Marek Choloniewski, Tony Conrad, Hawley Currens, Stuart Dempster, Nick Didkovsky and Yves Duboin, Phil Edelstein, James Emery, Ensemble Antidogma, Angelika Festa, Fast Forward, Russell Frehling, James Fulkerson, Ellen Fullman, Michael Gordon, Shelley Hirsch, Earl Howard, The Hub (John Bischoff, Chris Brown, Scott Gresham-Lancaster, Tim Perkis, Phil Stone, Mark Trayle), Julius, Jin Hi Kim, Takehisa Kosugi, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, Richard Lainhart, Mary Jane Leach, Jackson MacLow and Anne Tardos, Denman Maroney, Ben Neill, Phill Niblock, Michael Peppe, Tom Plsek, Godfried-Willem Raes and Moniek Darge, Peter Rose, Mary Ross, Jeffrey Schanzer and Bernadette Speach, Stefano Scodanibbio, James Sellars and Finn Byrhard, Dan Senn, James Staley, Ushio Torikai, Livio Tragtenberg, and Peter Zummo
1985 / 86
Larry Austin, David Behrman, Samm Bennett, Karl Berger, Marion Brandis, Terry Chan, Gunter Christmann and Torsten Mueller, Nicolas Collins, Jerome Cooper and Beth Cummins, Phil Corner, Lesli Dalaba, Laetitia De Compiegne, Michael Galasso, Paul Galasso, David Gibson, Paul Panhuysen and Johan Goedhart, Daniel Goode, Felix Hess, Toine Horvers, Zoltan Jeney, Guy Klucevsek, Takehisa Kosugi, Richard Lerman, Hugh Levick, Christian Marclay and Sokhi Wagner, Pierre Marietan, David Moss, Vernita Nemec, Phill Niblock, Charles Noyes, Wil Offermans, Morgan O'Hara, Pauline Oliveros, Maggi Payne, Joseph Pinzarrone, Larry Polansky, Jim Pomeroy, Robert Previte and Marilyn Klaus, Susan Rawcliffe, Horst Rickels, Jon Rose, Ned Rothenberg, Anna Rubin, Arthur Russell, Elliot Sharp, David Simons, Ladonna Smith and Davey Williams, Arthur Stidfole, Carl Stone, Tibor Szemszo, Joseph Paul Taylor, Yasunao Tone, Ushio Torikai, Leon Van Noorden, Glen Velez, David Weinstein
1984 / 85
Eugenia Balcells and Peter Van Riper, Warren Burt, Joseph Celli, Phil Corner, Laetitia De Compiegne, Paul Demarinis, David Dunn, Linda Fisher, David Garland, David Gibson, Gerry Hemmingway, Shelley Hirsch, Wayne Horvitz, Julius, Takehisa Kosugi, John Lindberg, Jackson MacLow and Anne Tardos, George Manupelli, Butch Morris, Charlie Morrow, Phill Niblock, Morgan O'Hara, Horatio Radelescu, Wiska Radkiewicz, Layne Redmond, Robert Rutman, Myrna Schloss, Joseph Paul Taylor, Lois V Vierk, and Frits Weiland
1983 / 84
Yura Adams, Zoro Babel, Juan Behr, David Behrman, Norman Bloom, Joseph Celli, Kiken Chen, Nicolas Collins, Ernesto De Sousa, Robert Dick, John Driscoll, Dean Drummond, Jean Dupuy, James Emery, Douglas Ewart, Henry Flynt, Simone Forti, Limpe Fuchs, Paul Fuchs, Johan Goedhart, Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Peter Gordon, William Hellerman, Christer Hennix, Ed Herrmann, Inde Graf, Larry Johnson, Tom Johnson, John King, Guy Klucevsek, Alison Knowles, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, Elodie Lauten, Mary Jane Leach, Richard Lerman, Hugh Levick, Jackson MacLow, Charlie Morrow, Barbara Mueller, Pauline Oliveros, Lew Paer, Paul Panhuysen, Tom Plsek, Jim Pomeroy, Eliane Radigue, Ned Rothenberg, Arthur Russell, Leeny Sachs, Arlene Schloss, Stefano Scodanibbio, Elaine Shipman, Paul William Simons, James Staley, Stefani Starin, Gerd Stern, Anne Tardos, Robert Van Beets, Anne Walsemann, David Weinstein, Krzysztof Zarebski, Peter Zummo
1982 / 83
Barry Anderson, Llorenc Barber, Iris Brooks, Bill Buchen, Mary Buchen, George Cartwright, Moniek Darge, Arnold Dreyblatt, Ellen Fullman, Paul Galasso, Rolf Gelhaar, Jon Gibson, Malcolm Goldstein, Peter Griggs, Jonty Harrison, Richard (RIP) Hayman, Sorrel Hays, Gerry Hemmingway, Robin Holcomb, Brenda Hutchinson, Scott Johnson, Julie Kabat, Michael Lytle, Chris Mann, Stephen Montague, David Moss, Ron Pelligrino, Godfried-Willem Raes, Neil Rolnick, Eric Ross, Malcolm Singer, Dennis Smalley, Tim Souster, James Staley, Arthur Stidfole, Ned Sublette, Jim Theobald, Helen Thorington, Lois V Vierk, Alejandro Vinao, Yoshi Wada, Trevor Wishart, and Walter Zimmerman
1981 / 82
Larry Austin, John Beaulieu, Peggy Brightman, Joseph Celli, Joel Chadabe, Phil Corner, Andrew Culver, Jean-Paul Curtay, Laetitia De Compiegne, Robert Dick, Phil Edelstein, James Emery, James Fulkerson, David Garland, Malcolm Goldstein, Spencer Holst, Tom Johnson, Larry Kucharz, Otto Laske, Mary Jane Leach, Jackson MacLow, Judy Martin, Charlie Morrow, David Moss, Virginia Quesada, Eliane Radigue, Ned Rothenberg, Arthur Russell, Bill Seaman, Tui St. George Tucker, Yoshi Wada, and Trevor Wishart
1980 / 81
Roger Berard, Borah Bergman, David Borden, The Chairs, Nicolas Collins, Elizabeth Converse, Phil Corner, Moniek Darge, Arnold Dreyblatt, John Driscoll, Phil Edelstein, Linda Fisher, Hal Friedman, Roberta Friedman, David Geary, David Gibson, Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Jana Haimson, Sten Hansen, Dick Higgins, Earl Howard, Jerry Hunt, Scott Johnson, Tom Johnson, Joanna Kiernan, Ron Kuivila, Richard Lainhart, Richard Lerman, Herr Lugus, Jackson MacLow, Carman Moore, Charlie Morrow, Bob Ostertag, Godfried-Willem Raes, Dan Richter, Pete Rose, Ned Rothenberg, Bill Seaman, James Staley, Carl Stone, Ned Sublette, Peter Van Riper, Grahame Weinbren, and Peter Zummo
1979 / 80
Beth Anderson, Ruth Anderson, Michael Byron, Rhys Chatham, Phil Corner, Arnold Dreyblatt, Jon English, James Fulkerson, David Gibson, Daniel Goode, Marc Grafe, Richard (RIP) Hayman, William Hellerman, Alison Knowles, Takehisa Kosugi, Jackson MacLow, Dary John Mizelle, Charlie Morrow, Candace Natvig, Jim Pomeroy, Michael Sahl, Carles Santos, and Peter Van Riper
1978 / 79
Mark Abbott, Michael Byron, Nicolas Collins, Phil Corner, Ben Johnston, Petr Kotik, Larry Kucharz, Ron Kuivila, George Lewis, Joseph Pinzarrone, Jim Sauter, Paul William Simons, Arthur Stidfole, Jim Theobald, Yasunao Tone, Kevin Volans, Yoshi Wada, and Peter Zummo
1977 / 78
Beth Anderson, Robert Appleton, David Behrman, Nina Canal, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, Phil Corner, William Dawes, Jean-Charles Francois, David Gibson, Gimel, Malcolm Goldstein, William Hellerman, Christer Hennix, Ralph Jones, Martin Kalve, Richard Lainhart, Annea Lockwood, Alvin Lucier, Jackson MacLow, Roger Marsh, Roger Meyers, Charlie Morrow, Phill Niblock, and Peter Van Riper
1976 / 77
David Behrman, Warren Burt, Joseph Celli, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, Michael Cooper, Phil Corner, Jon Deak, Paul Demarinis, John Driscoll, Julius Eastman, Guiseppe Englert, James Fulkerson, Harley Gaber, Malcolm Goldstein, Daniel Goode, Peter Gordon, Scott Johnson, Richard Kostelanetz, Christine Kubisch, Larry Kucharz, Keshavana Maslak, Phill Niblock, Virginia Quesada, Gregory Reeve, Arthur Russell, Ned Sublette, and Peter Zummo
1975 / 76
Beth Anderson, Jon Deak, John Driscoll, Phil Edelstein, Harley Gaber, David Gibson, Peter Gordon, Richard (RIP) Hayman, Tom Johnson, Richard Kelly, Petr Kotik, Jill Kroesen, Joan LaBarbara, Richard Lainhart, Jackson MacLow, Phill Niblock, Ron Pelligrino, Pierre Ruiz, Arthur Stidfole, Yasunao Tone, Yoshi Wada, and Peter Zummo
1974 / 75
David Behrman, Jim Burton, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, Suzanne Ciani, Phil Corner, David Gibson, Jon Gibson, Garrett List, Annea Lockwood, Charlie Morrow, Phill Niblock, Gregory Reeve, Arthur Russell, Laurie Spiegel, and Richard Teitelbaum,
1973 / 74
David Behrman, Joel Chadabe, Rhys Chatham, Jon Gibson, Garrett List, Phill Niblock, Charlemagne Palestine and Eliane Radigue

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