Wednesday 11 |
Reg Bloor (NYC) - at Zürcher Gallery |
Wednesday 11 | C. Spencer Yeh (NYC) - at Zürcher Gallery |
Thursday 12 |
Kevin Ramsay + Yuma Uesaka (NYC) - at Harvestworks |
Friday 13 |
Nina Sobell (NYC) - at EHF |
Saturday 14 |
Zoe Beloff (NYC) - at EHF |
Monday 16 | Jenn Grossman (NYC) - at Harvestworks |
Tuesday 17 |
Ian Douglas-Moore + Dominic Coles (NYC) - at WhiteBox |
Wednesday 18 |
Hans Tammen + Marcus Cummins + Shelley Hirsch (NYC) - at WhiteBox |
Sunday 17 | Dave Seidel (New Hampshire) - at Harvestworks |
Monday 18 | Kaffe Matthews (Berlin) - at Zürcher Gallery |
Monday 18 |
Sarah Bernstein (NYC) - at Zürcher Gallery |
Tuesday 19 |
Lary 7 (NYC) - at WhiteBox |
Wednesday 20 |
William Hooker (NYC) - at WhiteBox |
Friday 22 | Joan Jonas (NYC) - at EHF |
Saturday 23 |
Rina Sherman (Paris) / Phill Niblock - at EHF |
Sunday 24 |
3 moving image impressions of Phill Niblock - at EHF |
Monday 25 |
SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 20 curated by Katherine Liberovskaya - at ISSUE |
Thursday 14 | Simon Whetham (Bristol, England) - at |
Thursday 14 | Julian
Knowles (Australia) - at |
Friday 15 |
F Baroni (Amsterdam) - at |
Monday 18 |
Lois V Vierk (New Jersey) - at |
Monday 18 |
First (New York) - at |
Monday 18 | Susana Ucsal - at |
Shows in-person at 8PM in all places and video-streamed live
from this website
Shift, 411 Kent Ave, Brooklyn - 12/12 and 12/15 - Fridman Gallery, 169 Bowery, NYC - 12/19 and 12/20 - WhiteBox, 9 Ave B, NYC - 12/13, 14, 16 - |
The March 2022 concert and video series was part live, part virtual. March 15, 16 and 17 events were in collaboration with Fridman Gallery ( and were live in-person at the gallery (169 Bowery NYC) as well as streamed on-line from our website. All other events were streamed live from our website. |
Tuesday 15 | Forbes
Graham (New York) |
Wednesday 16 |
Hein and Viola Yip (Berlin, New York, Hong Kong) |
Thursday 17 |
Liz Phillips (New York) |
Events at EI, March 21 - 29, click here for details
Monday 21 |
Kit Fitzgerald (New York) A Video
Event |
Tuesday 22 |
Davidson Gigliotti (New York and Venice) A Video Event |
Wednesday 23 | Jen Morris (Montreal, Lausanne) |
Thursday 24 | Warren Burt (Australia) |
Friday 25 | Ulrich Krieger and Carl Stone (LA, LA and Japan) |
Monday 28 | SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 18 - curated by Katherine Liberovskaya A Video Event |
Tuesday 29 | Peggy Ahwesh (Brooklyn) A Video Event |
Friday 10 | Lars Akerlund (Sweden) |
Sunday 12 |
Anastasia Clarke
(New York) |
Monday 13 |
Margaret Schedel
(New York) |
Wednesday 15 | George Moraitis (Athens, Greece) |
Thursday 16 |
Jacob Kirkegaard (Copenhagen, Denmark) |
Friday 17 | Neil Leonard (Boston) |
Sunday 19 | Nicolas Collins (Chicago, Berlin, West Falmouth) |
Monday 15 | Samara
Lubelski (NYC, sometimes Degenfeld, Germany) |
Tuesday 16 |
Pensado (Salem MA, from Argentina, studied Poland) |
Wednesday 17 |
Catherine Lamb and Bryan Eubanks
(Berlin) |
Friday 19 | Richard Garet (New York) |
Monday 22 |
SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 17 curated by Katherine Liberovskaya |
Wednesday 24 | Kjell Bjorgeengen (Oslo Norway) |
Thursday 25 | Tony Martin (New York) |
Friday 26 | Joan Logue (New York) |
Sunday 6 | Earl
Howard (New York) |
Monday 7 |
Bob Bellerue (New York) |
Wednesday 9 |
Julien Ottavi and Jenny
Pickett (UK, Fr) |
Friday 11 | Austin Larkin (Connecticut) |
Monday 14 |
Gill Arno (New York) |
Tuesday 15 | Ka Baird (New York) |
Wednesday 16 | Matthias Kaiser and Hans Tammen (Koln, NY) |
Thursday 17 | Mike Bullock (Massachusetts) |
- SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 2020 curated by Katherine Liberovskaya | |
- Walter Wright (Lowell,
Massachusetts) |