ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia

Also continuing is Walter Wright's wonderful retrospective video program:

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WALTER WRIGHT (Lowell, Massachusetts)

Psychology says that “we see what we think we see”; Light falls on the retina and the resulting stimulation is transmitted by the optic nerve to the brain; the brain forms an image, resolves 3D, compares it to the last image thus detecting movement, checks for imminent danger and, finally, compares it to images already stored in memory. The result loops through the mind/body system resulting in an emotional reaction, producing meaning; reality is, in a sense, obscured by our own perceptions; as video artists, it is up to us to dis-cover or un-cover reality, then re-present or re-imagine reality in a manner that changes the viewers perception, to inform rather than affirm, to create rather than imitate - Videos by Walter Wright and a performance by Walter Wright and Al Margolis aka Elka Bong 
