ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia
March 2023 Virtual Concert Series

Leslie Thornton (New York) A Video Event At EHF, 7pm
Wednesday, March 15

Will present a retrospective view of her media artworks, including her earliest film, "X-TRACTS"; an episode from her 30 year long project, "Peggy and Fred in Hell"; and recent videos produced while in residence at CERN and Caltech   listart.mit.edu/exhibitions/leslie-thornton-begin-again-again

Links to some of Leslie Thornton's works presented at this screening:
Peggy and Fred Prologue  https://vimeo.com/176829280
Jennifer,Where Are You? (PREVIEW)  https://vimeo.com/50588021
Cut From Liquid to Snake  https://vimeo.com/411239439
X-TRACTS  https://vimeo.com/421964787
Ground  https://vimeo.com/409321003
Binocular Menagerie  https://vimeo.com/98866022
Password for all: twiceremoved

Please help us keep the virtual series going with a donation of any amount.  Suggested donation of at least $4.99.