ei concerts xi records phill niblock experimental intermedia experimental intermedia
March 2025 Concert Series

SCREEN COMPOSITIONS 21 curated by Katherine Liberovskaya - at Various/Artists
Sunday, March 30

Link to Video

Wow! who would have thought that Screen Compositions would continue beyond 20
years into a third decade? but here we are, with our 21st edition, still bringing
you a yet new collection of ever intriguing and enthralling intersections of
moving image with sonic art; a program of screen works representing dynamic
two-way collaborations between video/film artists and sound/music artists
specifically intended for single-channel projection with no live or performance
component; featuring collaborations by: Jo Andres / Hahn Rowe; CHIKA / Hiromi Kiba;
Agnes Gruz / Nikolaus Gerszewski; Carmen-Sibha Keiso / Bonnie Mercer;
Scott Kiernan / Shelley Hirsch; Katherine Liberovskaya / Phill Niblock;
Andrew Neumann / Robert Poss; Phill Niblock / Tim Shaw;
Monika Trotula / Mia Zabelka + Stefan Strasser + Tungu;
Alessandra Zucchi / Antonio Della Marina

Please help us keep the virtual series going with a donation of any amount. Suggested donation of at least $4.99

The video-audio recording of this concert will be available here by the morning after the concert.