Compositions List

Selected Music Compositions by Phill Niblock:

2 Lips - aka Nameless (2009, 22:20) for two orchestras, Laboratorium of the Champ
        d"Action Ensemble, Antwerp (Commissioned by them), a recording from 5 stereo takes (about
        75 musicians)
One Blue Rose
(2009, 22 minutes) a realization of orchestra B of Three Orchids using
        the Pneumaphone instruments of Godried-Willem Raes of Logos in Gent, by Kristof Lawers
Poure (2008, 23:28) for cello, Arne Deforce, cello; commissioned by the Centre
        de Recherches et de Formation Musicales de Wallonie, CRFMW, Liege, Belgium
AshEli (2008, 12:10) for Ashley Paul, soprano saxophone and Eli Keszler, bowed crotales
One Large Rose (2008, 46 minutes) commissioned and recorded by the Nelly Boyd
        Ensemble, Hamburg, Germany, a realization of the modified orchestra B of Three Orchids
Organ (20:00, 2007) for church organ, material recorded May 1 2007 at a baroque church
        in Kirchberg am Wagram, Austria, Emanuel Schmelzer-Ziringer, organ; premiered at
        Roulette, NY, Oct 19 2007
4 Chorch +1 (23 minutes, 2007) for Chorus and Orchestra and solo Baritone Voice, composed
        for the Ostrava New music Days Festival, Ostrava CZ, conducted by Petr Kotik, premiered
        August 28 2007
Stosspeng (59 minutes, 2007) for two guitars in stereo; Susan Stenger and Robert Poss,
        electric guitars and electric basses, premiered at the Donau Festival, Krems, Austria,
        April 30 2007
Nataliawork (21 min, 2005) Natalia Pschenitschnikova, bass flute and voice; and
        Nataliawork Long (2008, 42 minutes) an extended in time version
Universe Premier (21 min, 2005) Thomas Ankersmit, alto saxophone
Tow by Tom (23 min, 2005) for two orchestras, commissioned by Petr Kotik for the Ostrava
        New Music Days 2005 in Ostrava, CZ; a score exists, prepared by Volker Straebel
Valence (23:02, 2005) Julia Eckhardt, viola; Valence Long (2008, 46 minutes) a modified version
Sax Mix (25:08, 2004) Ulrich Krieger, alto, tenor and baritone saxes (this is a mix of Ten
        Auras, for tenor sax; Sea Jelly Yellow, for baritone sax; and Alto Tune, for alto sax. (About
        85 channels/tracks.)
Alto Tune (25:08; 2004) Ulrich Krieger, alto saxophone
Zrost (23:30, 2004) Martin Zrost, soprano saxophone
Parker's Altered Mood, aka, Owed to Bird (16:25; 2004) Ulrich Krieger, alto saxophone
Not Yet Titled (22:20, 2003) Franz Hautzinger, trumpet
Three Orchids (22 min, 2003) for three orchestras, commissioned by Petr Kotik for the Ostrava
        New Music Days 2003 in Ostrava, CZ; a score exists, prepared by Volker Straebel
Lucid Sea (20:24, 2003) Lucia Mense, recorders (block flute)
Sethwork (21:48, 2003) Seth Josel, unamplified guitars played with e-bow
Harm, for cello (24:43, 2003) Arne Deforce, cello
EZAZ (22 min, 2002) the Art Zoyd Ensemble, Maubeuge, France
Sweet Potato (25:11, 2001) Carol Robinson, bass clarinet, bassett horn, Eb clarinet
Sea Jelly Yellow (24 min, 2001) Ulrich Krieger, baritone saxophone
Pan Fried 11, 27.5 and 70 (three different compositions 11, 27.5 & 70 min, 2001/3)
        Reinhold Friedl, piano
Yam almost May (24 min, 2001) Kasper Toeplitz, electric bass played with E-bow and bowed
Kontradictionaries (2000, revised 2003, 22:00) The Kontra Trio, Thomas K.J. Mejer, contrabass
        saxophone, Madeleine Bischof, contrabass flute, Leo Bachmann, contrabass tuba
Hurdy Hurry (1999, 15:30) Jim O'Rourke, hurdy gurdy
AYU (aka As Yet Untitled ) (1999, 21:00) and AYU Live (with added parts / tracks of live voice added)
        Tom Buckner, baritone voice
Disseminate (1998, 24:00) for orchestra, commissioned by Petr Kotik and the S E M Ensemble
        Orchestra; a score exists
Guitar too, for four;Version Three (1996, 30:20) Rafael Toral, Robert Poss, Susan Stenger,
        David First, guitars played with E-bows
Descent Plus (1978/ 1995, 22:30), David Gibson, cello
Ten Auras and Ten Auras Live (1994, 21:20), Ulrich Krieger, tenor saxophone
Five More String Quartets (1991-93, 25 min), The Soldier String Quartet (earlier version entitled
        Another String Quartet)

Early Winter (1991-93, 45 minutes) Susan Stenger, flute; the Soldier String Quartet; Eberhard
        Blum, bass flute (on pre-recorded eight channel tape); 38 sampled and synthesizer voices,
        computer controlled
Didjeridoos and Don'ts (1992, 13:30), Ulrich Krieger, didjeridu
MTPNC (1992, 29 min), computer-controlled synthesizers
Wintergreen (1990, 45 min), computer-controlled synthesizers
Weld Tuned (October 1990, 20 min), computer-controlled synthesizers
According to Guy, versions I, II and III (AKA Aversion I, II and IIII) (I and II - May 1987, III - May 21, 1989;
        each 19:01), Guy Klucevsek, accordion
Summing I, II, III and IV (1985, 32 min, 32 min, 32 min, 15 min), David Gibson, cello
Not Untitled, Knot Untied - Old (June 1984, 19 min), Relache Ensemble, Philadelphia
New Newband Work (April 1983, 19:30), New Band Ensemble, New York
Unmentionable Piece for Trombone and Sousaphone (May 1983, recording revised 1994; 18:33),
        George Lewis, trombone and sousaphone
Winterbloom Too (1983, 20 min), Eberhard Blum, bass flute
B Poore (January 1981, 21:41), Melvin Poore, tuba
Held Tones (June 1982, recording revised 1994; 22:40), Barbara Held, flute
Fall and Winterbloom (1980, 45 min), Eberhard Blum, bass flute
Unbridled (a variant of Descent ) ( 22:30, 1980), David Gibson, cello
Multimusti (June 1980, 20:48) Petr Kotik, alto flute; Daniel Goode, clarinet; Joseph Celli, oboe;
        James Fulkerson, trombone; Arthur Stidfole, bassoon and contrabassoon; Jon Deak,
        contrabass; David Gibson, contrabass
Second 2 Octaves & a Fifth (June 1980, 20 min), Joseph Celli, oboe
P K (April 1980, 21 min), Petr Kotik, flute
S L S (April 1980, 21 min), Susan Stenger, flute
PK AND SLS (April 1980, 21 min), Petr Kotik and Susan Stenger, flutes
A Third Trombone (June 1979, recording revised 1994; 20:54), Jon English, trombone
V&V (akaVoice and Violin ) (June 1979, 20 min), Candace Natvig, voice and violin
Earpiece (1979, 32 min), Arthur Stidfole, bassoon
Winterbloom (1978, 17 min), Eberhard Blum, bass flute
E for Gibson (April 1978, 22:25), David Gibson, cello
Four Arthurs (April 1978, 22 Min) Arthur Stidfole, bassoon
Tymps in E (April 1978, 20 min) Jan Williams, percussion
Slope (April 1978, 23 min), David Gibson, cello
2 Octaves & a Fifth (7pm, June 10,1977, 20 min), Joseph Celli, oboe
. . . Every Tune (March 1977, 20 min), Daniel Goode, clarinet (AKA Who can think of a good, cute
        titles for every tune?)

Twelve Tones (March 1977, 22 min), Jon Deak, contrabass
A Trombone Piece (January 1977, recording revised 1994; 22:13), James Fulkerson, trombone
        A mix of these two pieces exists, from some years later. Originally it was intended that another
        piece would be constructed, using samples from both pieces.
Descent (March 1977, 22:30) David Gibson, cello
261.63, + and - (1976, 20 min), the Creative Associates of SUNY Buffalo
First Performance (1976, 15 min), Joseph Celli, English horn
Long Distance (Dec 6 1975) (25:51), David Gibson, cello, at SUNY Albany
Cello & Bassoon (May 1975, 22 min), David Gibson, cello and Arthur Stidfole, bassoon
Contrabassoon & Contrabass (May 1975, 22 min), David Gibson, contrabass and Arthur Stidfole,
Cello & Bassoon and Contrabassoon & Contrabass (May 1975, 22 min), David Gibson, cello and
        contrabass; and Arthur Stidfole, bassoon and contrabassoon
3 to 7 - 196 (December 1974, 23:40), David Gibson, cello
String Quartet (uncertain date, probably 1972, approximately 20 minutes) Score
Boston I (December 1971, 25 min) Rhys Chatham, flute; Martin Bough, Tenor Saxophone; Gregory
        Reeve, viola; and voices, all
Tenor (1969) Martin Bough, tenor saxophone
Sound Collage Pieces:
Bells & Timps (August 2006, 5.5 minutes), using bell sounds from church bells, recorded June 1985,
        Ghent (Belgium) Belfry tower, by Godfired-Willem Raes, using moving coil microphones
        designed by him, to analog tape
Grind (April 2007, 16 min) a layered recording of steel bar against a grinding stone

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