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Wednesday, November 03, 2004

go east, go west 

>From the East side of Europe (well, to the Ukraine border in Slovakia) to
the West Coast, and a little of New York

Wien (Vienna), Austria, concert / lecture by Phill Niblock with Martin
Zrost, saxophones, at the Academy of Fine Arts Sound Lab, at Semper Depot,
with Franz Pomassl and Andreas Leo Findeisen, October 28, 2:30pm

Kosice, Slovakia, Technical University of Kosice
Lecture/demos by Michal Murin and Phill Niblock, November 2 at 1700 hr
Concert by Phill Niblock, in Cinefil, Dominikanske nam., November 3 at 1900

A side trip to the Andy Wharhol Museum in Medzilaborca Slovakia, November 1
Banska Bystrica, Slovakia: VISUO & AUDIO & FILM in the age of digital media
Akademia umeni, Kollarova 22, Banska Bystrica, November 4
Lectures by Michal Murin, Jozef Cseres and Anna Tretter, a.o., at 1000 and
1500 hrs
Concert by Phill Niblock at 1900 hr

Belgrade, Yugoslavia: Erasing 2004, an exhibition curated by Marica Presic
at the International Culture Center, Belgrade
Concert by Phill Niblock, November 10, at 1900 hr; performance installation
of "Babel-On" by Katherine Liberovskaya and Phill Niblock, at 1800 hr

Lisbon, Portugal: the jury meeting of the Bolsa Ernesto de Sousa, to choose
an artist for a residency at Experimental Intermedia in New York, sponsored
by the Luso-Americana Foundation and the Gulbenkian Foundation, convened by
Isabel Maria Soares Alves, November 15 2004

Basel, Switzerland: Viper Video Festival (November 18 - 22 2004) presents
"Babel-On" by Katherine Liberovskaya and Phill Niblock

Wien, Austria: Serious Pop Festival, Phill Niblock concert, with Martin
Zrost, saxophones, at Semper Depot, Lehargasse 8, November 24, 5pm

New York: The Orchestra of the SEM Ensemble, with special guests Zs, at
Paula Cooper Gallery, December 14 2004, 8pm. Works by Petr Kotik and Phill
Niblock (Disseminate) www.semEnsemble.org

New York: at Experimental Intermedia, six hours of film, video and music by
Phill Niblock, 6pm to 12am, December 21 2004,

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CDs and DVDs
Sample from the recently released The Movement Of People Working (11.3 MB)
Music and video available at Forcedexposure.com

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